Thursday, February 12, 2009


I looked at the ticker on my myspace today and realized that Sophie is One month and four days old... Seriously? Where did the last five weeks go?
I can already see such a change in her. Getting longer, her face thinning out some, little rolls forming on her thighs... I am terrified of her growing up. Why can't she stay my little baby forever?

I'm so lucky to have such a good baby. She has this laid back personality, and only cries for a minute if I'm late on getting her to the boob. And her sleeping has finally started to shift. Last night she slept from 12-6, waking 2-3 times for food/diaper change, then back to sleep. I hope this continues! Too bad my schedule is all messed up, and I can't sleep at night now!

Here is Sophia at one month old... Posing on the lovebug ladybug. We plan to take her picture each month with the bug, just so we can see how much she is growing from month to month.


How cute is that? Seriously. I love her so much!

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