Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Even before I knew I was pregnant, I wanted to breastfeed. I knew that unless I absolutely had to, Sophia would not receive a bottle.
So of course, the following day after Sophia's birth- The nurse recommended that I supplement, because Sophia still had not peed. I think Sophie took maybe 2-3 bottles in the hospital. And then while at home, she took maybe 4 spaced out over a few weeks. And those bottles were just because I needed that extra sleep. And Matthew was willing. Bad me, I know.
But, we have been bottle free for like 3 weeks now. We do have bottles/formula here, just in case of an emergency. But I have no plans on her getting it otherwise.

However, the downside of breast feeding, at least for me, is that Monday started my second bout of mastitis. Thankfully the first time I had it, it wasn't bad. Just a really sore painful breast. I didn't get any of the other symptoms that typically come with it. So I could handle it. And in a few days, with antibiotics, I was feeling better.

This time... I feel like I am going to die! I have the chills, fever, every thing you can possible imagine to make how I feel even worse. I've already started antibiotics. But ouch!

And... To top it off, I have thrush on both nipples, too! Lucky me.

I wouldn't give up breastfeeding for these things, but I wouldn't mind not getting things that cause me pain, especially since I'm doing something so good! What a trade off...

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